Definity Clinic

In The Operating Theatre

Our Operating Theatre is fully accredited and registered with the Department of Health.

In a continuation of an educational series we will be producing a series of videos demonstrating different aspects of cosmetic surgery. The first video in this series is now available on Youtube. Watch Here

This video is two hours of liposuction compressed into two minutes. All surgery carries risk and careful consideration and evaluation needs to be undertaken before entering the operating theatre. As part of the process of establishing informed consent we believe it important to understand what will happen before, during and after a procedure. This video provides a summary of Vaser Liposuction to the Abdomen and Flanks. These areas are some of the most commonly addressed concerns, in patients with stubborn and difficult fat deposits. The aim at Definity Clinic is always safety first whilst undertaking work to address your concerns, so all of this surgery is undertaken in a fully accredited Day Surgery Facility.

The video will take you through the infiltration of fluid to create tumescent anaesthesia. The all important Vaser stage where the fat cells are vibrated loose from their attachments with the Fibro Septal Network using ultrasound. And finally the stage where technical skill and artistic skill combine to sculpt. The amount of fat to remove, the blending of three dimensional contours, the respect of the anatomy in creating the aesthetic of human form, all these skills are required. For way too long liposuction was nothing more than debulking an overly large fat deposit. Vaser liposuction allows outcomes that were simply impossible to achieve previously. But it is a long and challenging road to Mastery. I have been mentored and certified by Dr Alfredo Hoyos, the pioneer of this art. There is a register of doctors certified by Dr Hoyos, which can be found at Total Definer

I am the only Grand Master in Australia. The learning never stops though. Each patient is unique. Applying the knowledge and skill means nothing without constant introspection about how to do even better.