Definity Clinic

Your Surgical Day

What does the surgical day look like for someone undertaking Vaser Liposuction with Definity Clinic. Normally you begin the day having fasted from the night before. You arrive early and are checked into our private hospital in the VCI facility in Melbourne. After some discussion and preparation we will take some pre-operative photos of the areas to have liposuction. The surgical area is marked and drawn onto your skin in a great deal of detail.

Following this our anaesthetist will take on your care and get you into theater and get you safely off to sleep. They will continue to monitor and manage your well-being for the entire surgery. Then I get to do what I love. My job. Vaser Liposuction. With a team of peri-operative nurses I undertake the Vaser Liposuction that takes several hours to complete.

Following the surgery you are woken and recovered until you are considered safe and capable of returning home. This usually takes a couple of hours. You will be wearing your compression garment and sent home with a friend or family member. We will have you back at the clinic the following day for your first of several post op checks.

So now you know what your surgical day will look like. If you are interested in finding out more then please contact us to make an appointment. The more information and understanding that you have, the better the decisions you can make.